List of Certificates Issued by the State Scientific Research Institute for Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification

Item No.
Certificate of Conformity NumberValidity PeriodProduct Name
1UA.C01.ПО.001-23From 15.09.2023 To 14.09.2025Reinforced concrete products for rapidly constructed protective structures of modular type
2UA.C02.ПО.002-23From 19.10.2023 To 18.10.2024Metal detector “TREMBITA”
3UA.017.ПО.003-24From 05.01.2024 To 04.01.2025Attachment equipment for demining machines “Kryvbas”
4UA.017.ПО.004-24From 16.01.2024 To 15.01.2025Soil preparation machines MR.3101
5UA.017.ПО.007-24From 08.05.2024 To 07.05.2025Mine clearance complex consisting of mobile robotic carrier DOK ING MV-4 and attachment equipment MA 1.6
6UA.017.ПО.005-24From 28.05.2024 To 27.05.2025Metal detector EMVS-Bobcat T590
7UA.017.ПО.015-24From 06.06.2024 To 05.06.2025Mine clearance system BOZENA 5+ (B5+)
8UA.017.ПО.012-24From 10.06.2024 To 09.06.2026Protective apron for demining
9UA.017.ПО.013-24From 10.06.2024 To 09.06.2026Visor for demining (protective shield)
10UA.017.ПО.017-24From 19.06.2024 To 18.06.2025Mine clearance complex consisting of mobile robotic carrier DOK-ING MV-10 and attachment equipment MFA-2.5
11UA.017.ПО.016-24From 21.06.2024 To 20.06.2025Soil preparation machine MR.3101
12UA.017.ПО.018-24From 06.07.2024 To 05.07.2026Frame metal detector “TREMBITA-F”
13UA.017.ПО.019-24From 06.07.2024 To 05.07.2026Protective suit for humanitarian demining model UT-DEM
14UA.017.ПО.021-24From 16.07.2024 To 15.07.2025Mine clearance complex consisting of mobile robotic carrier DOK-ING MV-10 and attachment equipment MFA-2.5
15UA.017.ПО.023-24From 27.07.2024 To 26.07.2025Mine clearance system BOZENA 4+ (B4+)
16UA.017.ПО.028-24From 19.08.2024 To 18.08.2026Metal detector “TREMBITA”
17UA.017.ПО.027-24From 23.08.2024 To 22.08.2026Rapidly constructed modular metal corrugated shelters UGM-1T/UGM-2I
18UA.017.ПО.014-24From 23.08.2024  
To 22.08.2025
Mine clearance machines GCS-200 with blade (cultivator) T-200 and plow (boike) F-200
19UA.017.ПО.029-24From 04.09.2024 To 03.09.2025Ground robotic demining system “ZMIY”
20UA.017.ПО.032-24From 10.09.2024 To 09.09.2025Mine clearance complex consisting of mobile robotic carrier DOK-ING MV-10 and attachment equipment MFA-2.5
21UA.017.ПО.034-24From 16.09.2024 To 15.09.2025Mine clearance complex consisting of robotic carrier GCS-200 with video surveillance system (VTQ, improved) and attachment equipment F-200 and T-200
22UA.017.ПО.033-24From 23.09.2024 To 22.09.2025Soil preparation machine MR.3200
23UA.017.ПО.035-24From 11.10.2024 To 10.10.2025Mine clearance complex consisting of MineWolf MW240 version 1.2 with interchangeable attachment equipment: mine plow F186 and cultivators T186 and T206
24UA.017.ПО.042-24From 31.10.2024 To 30.10.2025Mine clearance machine PT-300 D:MINE with working tools: milling machine 300/TD-250 Tiller PT300 and rotor 300/FD-250 Flail PT300
25UA.017.ПО.053-24From 31.12.2024 To 30.12.2025Mine clearance machine GCS-200 with an enhanced camera system and camera protection, equipped with attachment equipment F-200 chain plow and T-200 cultivator
26UA.431.ПО.052-25From14.02.2025 To 13.02.2026Remote controlled demining machine MV-10
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